It is possible to enlarge the penis

Not all men are happy with the size of their genitals. Many members of the stronger sex are thinking about how to enlarge their penis to make it look more impressive. There are several ways to achieve the desired result. But they all have advantages and disadvantages that must be considered before deciding to use a particular method.

Penis enlargement exercises

There is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening the levococcygeal muscle. It is also believed to help enlarge the penis. To understand where the desired muscle is, which needs to be trained, you need to delay the flow when urinating. The intensity that appears will tell you where you need to train.

Exercises to strengthen the levococcygeal muscle are as simple as possible, but must be performed regularly if you want to achieve the desired result. You just have to stretch the muscle, as if holding the flow of urine for three seconds. The day of such pressures must be done 20 times. Gradually, the number of approaches should be increased to 50. It is important to achieve the ability to strain the levococcygeal muscle without the use of other muscles. When this is achieved, you can increase the duration of each approach to 10 seconds.

The advantage of this method is its simplicity and availability. No additional devices are needed to implement it. Exercise can be done anywhere during the day. No one will even notice that a man trains a narrow muscle, trying to enlarge his penis.

The disadvantage is the need for regular exercise, which is not suitable for forgetful people. In addition, the method has very little effectiveness. Even if you train the muscle constantly, the penis may become more elastic and pliable, but it will not increase much in size.


Jelqing is a massage effect on the penis, which promotes its growth. This method is suitable for people who are looking for an answer to the question of how to enlarge a penis at home. You should massage a penis that has no erection. It should be about 70% in intensity. Before starting jelqing, you should warm the cavernous bodies. This will contribute to more effective stretching as the elasticity increases.

Warming up is done in a simple way: a bag of hot salt or cereal should be attached to the penis. The man then has to tighten his penis at the base with a ring. You should move your fingers upwards very slowly without touching your head. In this case, it is necessary, as it were, to stretch the penis. It is recommended to start with 40 moves. Their number should increase gradually. The maximum number of pulls is 200.

The above is not the only jelqing exercise described. The second option is to use not only your fingers, but also your entire palm. It is necessary to grasp the axis of the penis and press it for 10 seconds. In this case, it is necessary to pull the member in different directions.

It is believed that the use of the jelqing technique allows you to achieve an elongation of about 2 cm. But the effect can be short-lived, as the effect of massage on the penis leads to blood flow, as a result of which it increases. But as soon as the blood leaves the penis, it will return to its previous state.

Suspension of loads

Some men try to enlarge their penis by hanging a load from it. Initially, the penis is heated with a massage effect. Then a lace is fastened over the head with adhesive plaster. A weight is tied to the lace, which is left for 15 minutes. Gradually, the weight of the load and the exposure time should be increased. The essence of the method is that under the influence of gravity, the cavernous bodies of the penis are stretched. This leads to an increase in its length. The diameter remains unchanged. Therefore, for men who are thinking about how to increase penis thickness, this method is not suitable.

Expert opinion

It is important to understand that the suspension loading method is extremely traumatic. It can lead not only to stretching of the cavernous bodies, but to their rupture. The result will be curvature of the penis and discomfort during sexual intercourse, up to severe pain. In severe cases, severe erection problems can occur.

vacuum pump

Vacuum pump for penis enlargement

In sex shops, you can often find such a device that is designed to enlarge the penis. The result is achieved through a strong stimulation of blood circulation. The penis should be lubricated with cream and then placed on the cylinder of the device. Further, air is pumped from there, resulting in strong pressure on the penis. The result is an increase in the length and thickness of the instrument.

The advantage of this method is its high efficiency. If you use a pump, you can quickly enlarge a member of the house, both in length and thickness. But the main problem is that this effect is short-lived and disappears quickly. Therefore, it is recommended to use the pump immediately before sex. In general, this option is suitable for men who are looking for an answer on how to enlarge their penis to satisfy their partner.

Gels, sprays and other preparations for external use

Modern manufacturers produce many products that aim to solve a sensitive male problem. Advertising of such drugs can be found on the Internet at almost every step. They usually have a warming and vasodilating effect. Thanks to this, the penis can grow by about 1. 5 cm. But this result is short-lived. Therefore, creams and other means for external use are recommended to be used before close contact or in combination with other methods.

Penis enlargement surgery

Modern clinics offer penis enlargement services. It is done surgically. The result is an increase in both length and diameter. Thanks to the surgery, the penis can be lengthened by 4 cm. Penis enlargement with folk remedies will certainly not allow you to achieve such an impressive result.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia. There are several types of surgery. The simplest and safest is the plastic of the carpet. A more complex operation is the dissection of the ligaments. Sometimes special implants are used.

It is important to understand that any surgery on the body is stressful and dangerous. There are some contraindications, so you should first consult your doctor in detail.

The recovery period after the operation will take a long time and during this period the man will experience quite unpleasant sensations. In addition, many worry about how much penis enlargement costs. The operation will require a cash investment and not everyone can afford it. But the surgical method has a big advantage: the penis really grows once and for all. The cost of penis enlargement surgery varies and depends on many factors and the complexity of the procedure.

How to enlarge a member of folk remedies

The problem of small penis size has existed at all times, so it is not surprising that there are folk remedies for penis enlargement.

Prepare an infusion of hawthorn, ginkgo leaves and ginseng in equal proportions. Rub the resulting mixture on the penis once a week.

Take a hot shower to warm up and soften your skin. Then apply regular baking soda to the penis and massage the instrument for a few minutes. This method has a noticeable effect for several hours, but you may feel a slight burning sensation, especially if you have sensitive skin.

In short, there are several ways to enlarge your penis. Not everything is really effective. Some are even dangerous. A man must think carefully before applying the chosen method.